If you follow us on social media or subscribe to our newsletter, we released a 7- question survey focused on cat health and wellness. Respondents could check more than one answer that applied to their cat household taking into consideration the multiple cat homes.
We hear the words “holistic” and “sustainable” banded about in the news and popular culture today, even though their concepts have been around for a very long time. Okay, so what could it possibly have to do with cats, you might ask.
Traveling to a new place with your cat is far from imPAWssible! I, Laszlo, will share with you some nuggets of wisdom (not the ones found in my litter box) to help ensure that you and your feline friend(s) will be able to travel safely and with less stress!
February 14th is not only Valentine’s Day, it is also National Pet Theft Awareness Day! And since I know how much you love your pet, I would like you to take this topic seriously!
Many of you know that my moewmy is a big “advoCAT” for pro-active pet care and pet insurance! Today we are excited to announce that we have partnered with Ask a Vet – and you will be able to connect with a vet right here on our blog!
Lately us cats and dogs have been contracting “human diseases” at a growing rate every year. The incidences of cancer and diabetes in pets is at an all-time high, most of it due to poor diets and not enough exercise which often leads to obesity. And we know where that goes! No place good!