Mom always tells me that Beau and I contribute to her good health – both physically and mentally every day!! Well, no wonder why she is a happy pet parent since Beau and I know how to take care of her! After all, she does so much for us kitties every day!
A cat can change a person's life as mom will attest - she always says that I changed her life as much as she changed mine! If you have decided on adopting a cat - you have already taken the first step on this exciting journey!
If you know us cats like we hope you do, you know that change can be a very difficult thing for us to deal with. Yes, we tend to be particular about our likes and dislikes from how full our food bowl is to the exact sunspot in the living room that is ours and ONLY ours—no other creatures allowed.
You might be wondering why cats act so differently from dogs. If you’re a dog lover, or a first time cat owner, you’re probably skeptical about the everyday things you see or hear about cats doing. Cats are generally more introverted-social than dogs, and we do crave attention but on our terms.
Meow! It’s Laszlo again. Have you heard? Young adults (more specifically, millennials, as Mom says) are becoming cat parents right and left despite what’s currently going on in the world.
As you may have heard, we have a new little feline brother and he is a Sphynx Cat! You know, one of those naked guys! His name is Bouvier and he is 3 ½ years old.